Money Booth Game Rental
Las Vegas, Nevada
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Money Booth Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the weight of the Vault Money Booth?
Approximately 400 lbs.
- What are the dimensions?
32” W x 60” L x 90” H
- What are the power requirements?
110V 5 Amps
- How long does it take to set up/tear down?
5 to 10 minutes
- How much money can you put in the machine at once?
350-400 bills, but we recommend only 250-350 bills at once
- Do you have to use fake money?
Real money is ok
- How long do you suggest having people stay in the booth to do a money grab?
15 to 20 seconds, although you can set the timer in the booth for up to 60 seconds (5 second increments)
- What is the average amount of bills that someone grabs in a turn in the booth based on a certain amount of time?
15 to 25 bills (average) in 20 seconds